Search Results for: ect

Memory and Cognitive Problems in Bipolar Disorder Plus Coping Skills

Memory problems are common in bipolar disorder, as is cognitive impairment. It makes sense, really. If our brains misfire when it comes to mood and its related symptoms, why wouldn’t they misfire in other ways as well? People don’t like to talk about this, though. People enjoy the narrative that those with bipolar disorder are more intelligent than others (which is not true), whereas the reality, which is that people with bipolar are additionally impaired, is something people like to glass over. But people with bipolar have memory and cognitive problems.

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Truehope EMPowerplus Evidence Claims — Bipolar Disorder

Last time, I discussed the evidence Truehope presented for using its EMPowerplus in depression. You can check out that review here. (I also discussed the Truehope EMPowerplus formulations, their disclaimer, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules around supplements.) Today, I am going to delve into the claims Truehope makes about using EMPowerplus micronutrient formula in bipolar disorder and why the claims made by this company are so dangerous.

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Review of EMPowerplus and Truehope Evidence in Treating Depression

Years ago, out of extreme desperation, I tried EMPowerplus by Truehope. While I don’t necessarily consider this a mistake, it certainly wasn’t worth my while — it had no benefit whatsoever. Regardless, Truehope itself disgusted me as a company. Recently, again, someone asked me about it, so I decided to take another look at their website and see how one of my least favorite companies is doing. As it turns out, nothing has changed. Here, I review the research provided by Truehope that their product(s) (mostly a micronutrient formula called EMPowerplus) work on depression.

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Severe Depression and Pain — What Is Allodynia?

I know when my depression is severe because of the pain, because of the pain that is allodynia. Allodynia involves physical pain where the pain wouldn’t normally be present. And while I don’t need any additional reminders that my depression is severe, allodynia provides one all the same. Read on for information on physical pain and allodynia in depression, including how to treat this type of pain.

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How to Start Writing a Book About Your Mental Illness

I get asked about how I wrote a book about my mental illness all the time. My book is Lost Marbles: Insights into My Life with Depression & Bipolar, and I published it in 2016. It has done very well for me, and I don’t regret writing the book for a moment. That said, writing a book about mental illness is not for the faint of heart. It’s harder than you think, and many people find it less rewarding than they think. If you carefully think ahead, though, you can avoid some of the pitfalls.

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Separating My Emotions from Bipolar Emotions — How Do I Know Which Is Which?

Bipolar emotions and my genuine emotions are two different things, even though they come from one brain. In fact, they can be two opposite things. It’s quite complicated to separate a bipolar emotion from my legitimate, organic emotion. What I often find is that the bipolar emotions are so overwhelming that my genuine emotions get drowned out. I feel like I’m trying to separate s specific drop of water from the ocean.

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Redefining Success: Thriving with Bipolar Disorder

People with bipolar disorder can be successful. In fact, people with bipolar disorder can be very successful. You can, indeed, thrive with bipolar disorder. That being said, thriving and success may look different for a person with bipolar disorder than they look for others. Redefining success is something you have to do if you want to thrive with bipolar disorder. Constantly reaching for goals that your bipolar will prevent you from achieving just isn’t a way to thrive with bipolar disorder.

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What to Do If You Have an Ongoing Psychiatric Crisis + Planning Ahead

In an ongoing psychiatric crisis, you’re in extreme distress, but your life is not on the line. It’s not an acute psychiatric emergency. (For information on acute psychiatric emergencies, please see here.) While an acute psychiatric emergency almost always requires a stay in a treatment facility, an ongoing psychiatric crisis doesn’t necessarily. The idea here is to get help as soon as possible to prevent the crisis from becoming an acute psychiatric emergency that does require hospitalization. You also want to think about planning ahead for psychiatric crises/emergencies.

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Staying in Active Addiction Is a Choice Even If Addiction Isn’t a Choice

Staying in an active addiction is a choice. I know that’s a controversial statement, but I believe it to be true. This is not to suggest that addiction itself is a choice — it isn’t — addiction itself can be considered a mental illness, and an illness is never a choice. That said, when a person continues in their addiction, that is a choice. I wish people would acknowledge that. This becomes particularly salient for those with bipolar disorder as more than half of people with bipolar disorder abuse substances.

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Additional Writings

Check out my Amazon Author Page.

I write a three-time Web Health Award winning column for HealthyPlace called Breaking Bipolar.

Also, find my writings on The Huffington Post and my work for BPHope (BP Magazine).
