Category: getting help

How to Get the Support for Bipolar You Need

Support for bipolar is important, but the support for bipolar that you actually need is even more so. We’re all different, and the support we need is different too. The trouble is, it can be hard to get the support we need when we need it. I would say that obtaining this support is actually a skill. So, if getting the support you need for bipolar disorder is a skill, how do we learn it, and how do we practice it?

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Mental Health Is a Universal Human Right — What Does That Mean?

World Mental Health Day 2023 has been given the theme by the World Health Organization (WHO): mental health is a universal human right. I couldn’t agree more. But what does this mean? What is the impact of that statement? There’s more controversy there than you might think. The idea that mental health is a universal human right means one thing to the WHO, but it means something a little bit more to me.

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What to Do If You Have an Ongoing Psychiatric Crisis + Planning Ahead

In an ongoing psychiatric crisis, you’re in extreme distress, but your life is not on the line. It’s not an acute psychiatric emergency. (For information on acute psychiatric emergencies, please see here.) While an acute psychiatric emergency almost always requires a stay in a treatment facility, an ongoing psychiatric crisis doesn’t necessarily. The idea here is to get help as soon as possible to prevent the crisis from becoming an acute psychiatric emergency that does require hospitalization. You also want to think about planning ahead for psychiatric crises/emergencies.

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What to Do If You Have a Psychiatric Emergency

It’s important to know what to do in the case of a psychiatric emergency. Sure, you could float along with treatment righting every issue before things get really bad. You could catch everything early. You might have a proactive psychiatrist. Or, then again, this may not be your experience. I would argue that people with serious mental illnesses like bipolar disorder are just crises waiting to happen. That’s not anyone’s fault; it’s just the nature of the disease. Thus, knowing what to do when a psychiatric emergency arises is critical. Here are some psychiatric emergency tips and things to think about.

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Why Don’t Doctors Listen to People with Bipolar Disorder?

Doctors often don’t listen to people with bipolar disorder or other mental illnesses. In fact, most people with bipolar disorder know, the instant a doctor sees “bipolar disorder” on your chart, you’re screwed. Now, don’t get me wrong, not every doctor is the same, and I have had some doctors treat me with the same care I suspect they would offer anyone else. That said, on the whole, doctors don’t listen to people with bipolar disorder. Here’s why, and here’s how to fight it.

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The Lifeline Can Trace Calls. Suicide Hotlines Can Save Lives

Recently, I learned that the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can trace your call. I didn’t know this. But the thing I did know about the Lifeline, and other suicide hotlines is that they can save your life. It is not surprising to me that the Lifeline uses every tool at its disposal to save lives, and I guess tracing calls is one of those tools. Some people have a distinct problem with this. I suspect they are missing a certain perspective when the Lifeline traces calls: they are missing the perspective of someone who is actually trying to save a life.

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People Care About Your Mental Health During The Pandemic — Don’t Give Up

I’m reaching out today to tell everyone this: people do care about your mental health — especially right now, during the pandemic. I am one of these people. I have written a few posts on the COVID-19 pandemic and mental health now (listed below) and it’s because I’m hoping they will help the mental health of people dealing with pandemic challenges (which is basically everyone). But it’s not just me. Other people care about your mental health during this pandemic. I want to make this clear. I want to make it clear so that you know that while it’s hard, please don’t give up. People want to be there for you.

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Can We Learn from Serious Mental Illness Destroying Families?

On Sunday, a mentally ill man ran down a family with his truck as they innocently rolled down a bike lane. There was no previous connection between the man and the family. The man with the mental illness spontaneously ran them down; the father suffered with fatal wounds while his two sons watched. The father was Pedro Aguerreberry of Tampa Florida and the man with mental illness was Mikese Morse. This is one in an unending series of tragedies that result from untreated/improperly treated serious mental illness.

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I write a three-time Web Health Award winning column for HealthyPlace called Breaking Bipolar.

Also, find my writings on The Huffington Post and my work for BPHope (BP Magazine).


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