The Major Guidelines
Please find the major guidelines for commenting followed by the specific rules.
Guideline #1
Act like a reasonable, respectful adult.
Really, it’s that simple.
Guideline #2
I don’t have to put up with hate. I don’t have to put up with hatred of me or anyone else. In fact, I won’t.
Guideline #3
This is not a democracy. I say what stands. If you don’t like that, please feel free to start your own blog.
Specific Blog Commenting Rules
- Comments must be on-topic. If it isn’t related to the article or another relevant subject, I’ll just remove it. This includes personal conversations. If you want a back-and-forth with someone else about how they’re horrible, go somewhere else.
- Don’t name call. It’ll get you warned the first time and then it’ll get your comments deleted until you calm down.
- Don’t be abusive. Yes, I get it, group A is evil, group B is the devil, whatever. If you’re too nasty and acrimonious I’ll have to delete your comments.
- Don’t make other accounts. Believe me, I’ll know. I’m likely to ban you for this.
- Don’t scream and yell. This means no typing in caps all over the place. It’s just good manners, people.
- Don’t talk about treatment specifics or make specific treatment suggestions. This is too dangerous and will likely get your comments removed.
- If you’re a marketer, go away. Enough said.
- Please don’t mention other people by full name. It’s not a problem for me but it could be a problem for you if the other person is litigious.
- Don’t detail suicide plans. If someone wants to kill him/herself, certainly, he or she will find a way, but I will not be pointing to it.
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