I get a lot of requests to guest write at Bipolar Burble. It’s nice to know I’m so popular! I’m happy to hear from you but there are guidelines if you want to be published here. These aren’t meant to scare anyone off, these are just to let you know what I’m expecting.
Here are some guidelines for posting on Bipolar Burble.
What I’m Looking for on the ‘Bipolar Burble’
I really want to hear other people’s opinions and experiences so I would like to see: Other people’s first-hand experiences in mental health. This might be as a person with a mental illness or as a loved one of a person with a mental illness. (It doesn’t have to be regarding bipolar disorder.)
- Personal experience articles
- Opinion pieces on mental health subjects (if you have first-harn experience)
- You don’t have to agree with me and if you make a convincing argument, I might just post it.
Other Types of ‘Bipolar Burble’ Articles
If you wish to do something outside of an opinion or personal experience piece please keep in mind:
- You, as the author, must add something unique to the piece.
- All articles must meet a very high standard of scientific accuracy.
- You must provide credible references for assertions you make.
- I must feel the subject offers value in a way that I haven’t done before.
This is a high bar, trust me.
Requirements for ‘Bipolar Burble’ Articles
If you wish to write an article for the Bipolar Burble, here is what you need:
- An article that is edited and proofread
- An article that is mindful of keywords and uses subheadings
- An article that is around 500-700 words
- An article that is original (not published online elsewhere)
- A short bio on you (optional)
- Yes, you can have a link back to your site in your bio (not in the body of the text)
- Yes, you can be anonymous if you choose
- Any links in the body must be approved with me (I don’t allow advertising in guest posts)
- If you’re trying to get an article up just to get a link in the body text (i.e., you’re being paid by someone), this won’t work
- Once posted, all rights to your work belong to me
And yes, there are exceptions to every rule. If you think that is you, you can mention it below.
‘Bipolar Burble’ Article Recommendations
If you want to write an article for Bipolar Burble I recommend you:
- Stick to opinion and experience pieces
- Run the topic and outline by me first just to make sure you don’t put work into an article I can’t use
- Don’t attack anyone or any group in your article – thoughtful critiques only
Contact Natasha
If all that works for you, please contact me below.
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