Category: Bipolar blog

Why I Partner with Otsuka Pharmaceuticals: A Mental Health Advocate’s Perspective on Patient-Pharma Collaboration

Partnering with Otsuka Pharmaceuticals for World Mental Health Day has sparked controversy, but I believe collaboration with pharmaceutical companies can benefit patient advocacy and innovation. While I understand the skepticism around “big pharma,” my work with Otsuka is about amplifying patient voices and ensuring medication development includes our needs. I remain committed to transparency and maintaining unbiased content, despite the sponsorship. Let’s explore the real impact of these partnerships and why they’re necessary.

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How to Help a Loved One Obsessed with Suicide: Essential Steps and Treatments

Seeing a loved one obsessed with suicide is heart-wrenching and frightening, especially when you don’t know how to help. Discover vital steps to ensure their safety, understand their condition, and seek the professional help they need. Learn about effective treatments and how to find support for both you and your loved one in this critical time. Your loved one can get through this, and you can play a crucial role in their journey to recovery.

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What Makes a Person Suicidal?

I’ve thought about what makes a person suicidal many times. Mostly, that’s because I’ve been both actively and passively suicidal for prolonged periods of my life. It’s hell, and I hate it. There are both general and specific things that make a person suicidal. Knowledge of these factors, along with ways to protect from suicidality, can help.

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I’m Miserable — This Is How I Deal with It

Don’t ask me how I am. Just don’t do it. Asking me how I am will only result in one of two things: a dishonest answer or honest tears. I don’t particularly care for either outcome. This is because I’m miserable. I’m hellaciously depressed and have recently undergone a couple of unfortunate situations. i do the best I can to ignore all that — after all, nothing can be done — but when I think about how I am, I get really upset. I know how I am. I’m horrible.

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Natasha Tracy’s New Book Is Coming Soon

I’m extremely excited to announce that I’m releasing my second book. For those of you who don’t know, I released a book in 2016, Lost Marbles: Insights into My Life with Depression & Bipolar. It’s a combination of memoir and self-help. It was very well received by people with bipolar disorder and their loved ones alike. I’ve certainly written a lot since 2016, and this new book is a result of that and so much more.

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When Bipolar Makes You Useless — Forgiving Yourself

Recently, I’ve had days when I was useless due to bipolar disorder. My brain became a rock. I couldn’t get a thought through it if I tired. And thanks to my brain’s inability to think, I also couldn’t work. Trying to do anything — and I mean anything — brought about nothing but crushing overwhelm. And all of this lack of productivity brought about a lot of self-flagellation. I need to learn to forgive myself when I’m useless because of bipolar, though.

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Can You Blame Everything on Bipolar Disorder?

As a mental health advocate, I’ve observed people attributing everything to bipolar disorder, from feelings and thoughts to actions. While a mood disorder does influence feelings and thoughts, not all emotions and thoughts are a result of bipolar disorder. It’s crucial to take responsibility for actions and not blame them solely on the disorder. Learning to separate actions from thoughts and feelings, investing in therapy, and taking responsibility can help in personal growth and improve relationships.

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Holidays Tips When Living with Bipolar Disorder

Living with bipolar disorder can be challenging, and living with bipolar disorder over the holidays even more so. While there are many great things about holidays, bipolar stability often isn’t one of them. I believe we need to embrace the good parts of the holidays while protecting our mental health for after the holidays, too. Here are holiday tips when dealing with bipolar disorder.

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Check out my Amazon Author Page.

I write a three-time Web Health Award winning column for HealthyPlace called Breaking Bipolar.

Also, find my writings on The Huffington Post and my work for BPHope (BP Magazine).


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