Ep 7: What Are Your Legal Workplace Rights If You Have a Mental Illness?

Snap Out of It! The Mental Illness in the Workplace Podcast with Natasha Tracy talks to lawyer Julia Stephanides (@legally.holistic on Instagram). She schools us on the rights people with mental illness have at work and how you can use those rights to better navigate working with a mental illness.

Learn things like:

  • Are all mental illnesses really considered disabilities?
  • Can an employer not promote you because of your mental illness?
  • What do you do if you think your employer is discriminating against you because of your mental illness?
  • Do employers have to accommodate your needs because of a mental illness?
  • What is a “reasonable accommodation” at work for a person with a mental illness?
  • Do you have a right to paid medical leave?
  • How do you best advocate for yourself at work?

Your Legal Rights as a Person with a Mental Illness at Work

All these questions and more are addressed by Julia. Plus, we answer your questions. Don’t miss out on this valuable chance to know your rights.

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