Category: l-methylfolate

L-Methylfolate and Antidepressants: Can This Supplement Boost Your Treatment?

Struggling with antidepressants that just aren’t working? L-methylfolate (MTHF) might be the missing piece. This key nutrient helps your brain produce serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine—exactly what antidepressants target. But some people don’t make enough of it naturally. Could supplementing with MTHF boost your treatment? Find out what the research says, plus my thoughts on it.

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New Treatment Approaches for Treatment-Resistant Depression

I have been known to lament that there’s nothing new under the sun when it comes to depression treatment, and thus, there is little hope for people with true treatment-resistant depression. (And by treatment-resistant depression I mean people who really have tried everything, and there are few in this category.)

But I forget how far we’ve come and how fast. It isn’t fair to say there aren’t new approaches to treatment-resistant depression because there are new approaches being researched and approved every year. Here are a few noted by Current Psychiatry article Innovative approaches to treatment-resistant depression:

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Unusual Bipolar / Depression Treatments

Odd Treatments for DepressionI’ve been “living the bipolar lifestyle” for over a decade now, and due to my general obsession over all things factual, I’ve done lots and lots and lots of research on bipolar treatments. Lots of research on lots of psychotropic pharmaceuticals specifically, but I’ve looked at, and tried bipolar disorder treatments too. I’ve written about unusual mental illness treatments here from time to time but I decided to put together the top 5 list of bipolar / depression treatments you might not know about for HealthyPlace.

Unusual Bipolar Disorder / Depression Treatments

Included is:

  1. L-methylfolate: A Burbled Article – L-methylfolate as Antidepressant Enhancing Agent
  2. Omega-3: My Burble Article – Diet and Depression / Bipolar
  3. Calcium Channel Blockers – Burblicious – Anticonvulsants as Calcium Antagonists in Mood Stabilization
  4. Thyroid Hormones – I was on Levoxyl, oddly I didn’t write about it.
  5. Light Therapy – somehow I can’t find anything on this either. Which is weird, because I actually like this one.

It’s probably that I just didn’t get the chance to write about the last two. Sometimes I really mean to say something but I don’t get around to actually doing it. Anyway, you can check out the HealthyPlace article for more.

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Diet and Depression / Bipolar

I’ve written about this before, but due to the amount of misinformation on the internet on this topic, I feel compelled to write about it again.

  • Omega-3 and Depression
  • Folic Acid and Depression
  • Low-Carb Diets and Mood

Now, first off, I do not believe you can cure depression or bipolar using diet. Let me be clear, people who tell you this are mostly flakes. There are ways though that you can possibly improve your treatment plan using dietary components.

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I write a three-time Web Health Award winning column for HealthyPlace called Breaking Bipolar.

Also, find my writings on The Huffington Post and my work for BPHope (BP Magazine).


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