I like to think of myself as a premier source of information on bipolar disorder (maybe that’s just my ego), but really, occasionally people need more medical, more comprehensive information on bipolar disorder. In fact, I too need sources of information on bipolar disorder for when I research the myriad of articles I write.

To that end I want to share with you the top five sources of bipolar information I know of.

1. Medscape Reference and Bipolar Affective Disorder

I love Medscape Reference because it’s a medical resource written by doctors for doctors. While I know this might be a bit complicated for some readers, combing through this site can tell you so much of what you need to know about bipolar disorder. You can search for almost any disorder and many treatments including medications. Check out their information about bipolar affective disorder here. (You’ll need to sign-in but membership is free.)

2. Mayo Clinic and Bipolar Disorder

If you’re looking for something a bit easier to understand, I recommend the Mayo Clinic website. It’s comprehensive and divides information into the basics as well as in-depth. This site is also maintained by doctors and experts regularly answer various related questions. Check out the Mayo Clinic’s information on bipolar disorder here.

3. Psychiatric Times

Psychiatric Times is a go-to source for me for article ideas and for medical reference. It’s a source that, again, is written by doctors and has useful article after useful article, all fully referenced. Some of their writing may go over your (and my) head, but much of it is understandable with a bit of effort. It often provides statistics and useful literature reviews. Check out the Psychiatric Times section on bipolar disorder.

Best Sites for Bipolar Disorder4. Psycheducation.org

Psycheducation.org is written by Dr. Jim Phelps a field expert in bipolar disorder. It’s an invaluable resource on bipolar disorder (particularly bipolar type II). Unfortunately, the site is hideous and it can be hard to find what you’re looking for (although there is a search function), but I still highly recommend it and link to it frequently. See Psycheducation.org here.

5. Global Medical Education

If you’re a loyal reader you’ll notice that I’ve linked to and talked about this site several times. Full disclosure, they are a client of mine, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have some great information. This site contains over 700 educational videos created by serious experts in their fields. The videos are short, to the point, and can help you understand everything from treatments, to disorders, to handling side effects. Really, check Global Medical Education out.

(Everything linked on their homepage is free and if you like what you see, you can get a free membership to their site. Just enter the group discount code GMEFacebook when signing up.)

Bonus Resource – HealthyPlace.com

And, if I may plug my own writing, your bonus resource is HealthyPlace.com. I’ve written 90% of their bipolar content and their bipolar section covers absolutely everything you can think of (oh and there’s a welcome video by me). See HealthyPlace’s bipolar articles here.

For more resources that I like, check out my resource list.