Tag: bipolar medication

When the Bipolar Medication Isn’t Working — Treatment-Resistant Bipolar Disorder

I have spent years of my life with bipolar medication not working — or, at least, bipolar medication not working to the extent that one would want. I know this isn’t the common refrain around medication — the common refrain being, take bipolar medication and get better — but it is a reality that many of us live with. So, the question is, what do you do when the bipolar medication isn’t working? What do you do when you have treatment-resistant bipolar disorder?

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Suffering from Bipolar Medication Side Effects? – What to Do

I have experienced so many bipolar medication side effects that I can’t remember them all. They have ranged from the common that many people experience like weight gain and dry mouth to the more unusual such as falling out hair and me falling over. When I started taking bipolar medication and started experiencing side effects, I tended to just grit my teeth, bear it and suffer. And I see this all the time in people. People constantly contact me and ask what to do about bipolar medication side effects because they are currently suffering.

I don’t believe in needless suffering. I believe there are things you can do about many, if not most, of the bipolar medication side effects.

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I write a three-time Web Health Award winning column for HealthyPlace called Breaking Bipolar.

Also, find my writings on The Huffington Post and my work for BPHope (BP Magazine).


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