Category: mental illness issues

Mental Illness Symptoms You Can’t See

Mental illness is considered an invisible illness and that’s because there are many mental illness symptoms you can’t see. In fact, most of the worst symptoms of many mental illnesses can’t be seen. This causes many problems for people with mental illness. Because mental illness symptoms can’t be seen they’re often not thought of as real – but mental illness symptoms are as real as the pain of a two-by-four to the head, trust me.

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Bipolar Feels Like a Trauma

Some would argue trauma can cause bipolar disorder. I would argue bipolar itself, feels like a trauma. I’m not suggesting bipolar disorder de facto gives you posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but I am saying the trauma reactions seen in trauma survivors are similar to what I experience with chronic, obstructive, severe bipolar disorder.

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Can We Learn from Serious Mental Illness Destroying Families?

On Sunday, a mentally ill man ran down a family with his truck as they innocently rolled down a bike lane. There was no previous connection between the man and the family. The man with the mental illness spontaneously ran them down; the father suffered with fatal wounds while his two sons watched. The father was Pedro Aguerreberry of Tampa Florida and the man with mental illness was Mikese Morse. This is one in an unending series of tragedies that result from untreated/improperly treated serious mental illness.

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Doctors Dismissing You Because You Have Bipolar Disorder

Doctors are sometimes dismissive of you when you have bipolar disorder. Believe me, this is true. Most of us have seen the “dismissive doctor” phenomenon firsthand. And not only are general practitioners often dismissive of bipolar patients but so are specialists and most everyone else in the medical profession (especially in the emergency department of a hospital). This isn’t all doctors, of course, many of us know great ones, but many of us also have also had legitimate medical concerns dismissed because of our bipolar disorder.

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Call, Text a Hotline, Lifeline Even If You’re Not Suicidal

It’s important to know that you can, and should, call or text a hotline (formally known in the U.S. as Lifeline) even if you’re not suicidal but are experiencing emotional distress. I’m serious about this. You don’t have to wait until you’re on death’s door to talk to a professional crisis worker. Yes, I know their title is “crisis” worker but really what they are is educated people that are there to help you when you need help – whether you’re formally in a “crisis” or not. In fact, calling or texting a hotline, Lifeline, when you’re not suicidal might be the best thing you can do to save your own life.

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No, Kanye West, Bipolars Aren’t ‘Superheroes’ and Bipolar’s Not ‘Awesome’

Last week, Kanye West released his new album Ye, and with it, the information (confirmation, really) that he has bipolar disorder. And Kanye West doesn’t just say he has bipolar disorder, he screams in his album all about it including:

“Ain’t no disability! I’m a superhero. I’m a SUPERHERO!”

Bipolar disorder also features prominently on Kanye West’s album cover which reads:

“I hate being bi-polar [sic] it’s awesome.”

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When You Can’t Do Anything Due to Bipolar Depression, Do This

In my experience, there are often times when bipolar depression makes it so that I can’t do anything. I’m a lump. A rock. A blob. I literally can’t do anything because of bipolar depression. And because this happens to me, quite frankly, on a not infrequent basis, I’ve learned what to do when bipolar depression makes it so that I can’t do anything.

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Passive Suicidal Depression – I Wish I Didn’t Wake Up

There are different types of suicidal depressions and one type is the passive suicidal depression. It’s the kind of suicidal depression where you want to die, you just don’t want to kill yourself. (As I’ve written about before, here: The Difference Between Being Suicidal and Wanting to Die.) Passive suicidal depression tends to take forms such as the very common one of not wanting to wake up in the morning.

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I write a three-time Web Health Award winning column for HealthyPlace called Breaking Bipolar.

Also, find my writings on The Huffington Post and my work for BPHope (BP Magazine).


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