I’m not sure that remission is something we will all get to enjoy, as bipolars. And the remission from depression, the remission from hypomania, the remission from bipolar we do experience seems to be a very watered-down version of the lives we want, the lives we deserve and certainly the lives we’re promised by doctors and treatments. So if remission isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, what is remission in bipolar disorder?
Thanks for your response. It helps quite a bit. Hope you have a nice week.
Hi Anon,
I'm not an expert but I think there are some pretty notable differences.
– Hypersexuality occurs only during hypomania
– Hyersexuality is accompanied with other hypomanic symptoms
– there is a distinct beginning and end to hypomania
Sexual Addition
– Occurs at all different times
– Causes distress and problems in life
– Sex is used as a way to cope with stress
– You feel compelled to be sexual and don't feel like you can stop.
You could be both bipolar and a sex addict, certainly, but if you're only experiencing this during hypomania and there are other hypomanic symptoms present I would say that's bipolar.
If this is something you're concerned about I would say ask a professional. I think a therapist would be able to help. And even if it turns out that this is part of your bipolar, if your activity is distressing you, a therapist (maybe with cognitive behavioral therapy) can help you control that behavior.
Good luck. Hope that helps.
– Natasha Tracy
Hi, this doesn't address the current post. But you know a lot about many things and may have an opinion. I don't know who else to ask… Is there a difference between sexual addiction and just being hypomanic? I think it matters but I am not sure why- foggy, medicated thinking I suppose. Thanks for the Breaking Bipolar blog.