Bipolar disorder is a deadly illness – make no mistake about it. Approximately 11% of those with bipolar die of suicide while up to 50% attempt suicide. This is something to be taken very, very seriously. I am one of those who have attempted suicide and I know about the importance of treating a suicidal crisis the right way, the humane way, the way that actually works to make people better.

I also know how infrequently this happens. I also know how people find going to the hospital a negative experience. I also know how some people have experienced dehumanizing treatment after experiencing a suicidal crisis. It seems that healthcare professionals forget that suicidal crises are a symptom of a serious illness and not a behavior simply committed to inconvenience them.

Don’t get me wrong – if you have attempted suicide or are in a suicidal crisis (acute suicidality), you should go to a hospital. After all, some people consider this the turning point in their recoveries.

What It’s Really Like to Stay in a Hospital After a Suicidal Crisis

The only people who know what it’s really like to be hospitalized after a suicidal crisis are you – the people who have experienced it. And the issue is that your voice rarely gets heard. Your voice rarely is heard by professionals. And your voice isn’t taken into consideration when it comes to making things better. Well, this survey aims to help amplify your voice.

The following Voices of the Patient survey aims to quantify what hospitalization experiences are like for those who are in a suicidal crisis.

A Survey Aims to Quantify What It’s Like to Be in a Hospital After a Suicidal Crisis

Those with bipolar who have had a suicidal crisis know help isn't always helpful. Share your thoughts on suicide attempts and hospitalization in bipolar.If you have bipolar disorder and have ever been hospitalized for acute suicidality or a suicide attempt, please take the anonymous survey and share your experiences with the world.

Click on this link to do so:

Why Does This Survey Matter?

This survey matters because if we sit in silence and never speak up about the issues faced by those in our community, nothing can ever improve. Doctors and healthcare institutions can’t get better if we don’t tell them what’s wrong in the first place.

Who Is Supporting This Survey?

The nonprofit Hope Xchange, Julie Fast and the International Bipolar Foundation, along with myself, are supporting the taking of this survey. Please note, we also have a corporate sponsor – NeuroRx. Yes, they are a pharmaceutical company but, no, they will not receive any individual’s information. All information, including a person’s IP address, is anonymized for this survey.

[For your information, NeuroRx is working on a drug to help those with bipolar disorder who are suicidal. I believe it could be a great step forward in saving the lives of people with bipolar disorder.]

I, personally, have taken this survey and I hope you will too.

Please step up, help your sisters and brothers and take the survey.

Click on this link to be taken to the survey:

When the survey results are ready, I will report that in my newsletter. You can subscribe to my newsletter (and get a free eBook) here:

Image by Flickr user David Ip.