Category: Bipolar blog

The Underside of Bipolar Rapid Cycling Moods

I mentioned on Facebook recently that I’m rapid cycling. If I ever wondered if the bipolar diagnosis was accurate, the bipolar cycling moods have certainly convinced me that it is. If you’re curious, this is ultradian cycling — i.e. cycling where moods last only hours. That can also be classified as a mixed mood because the cycles are so short.

All of this is to say that I’m not well right now. It’s fine. I’ve seen my psychiatrist, we have a plan and I’m working the plan. But the plan takes time, as all plans do. 

So while the plan portends usefulness, I am stuck on the rollercoaster from hell. And in this particularly hellish place I wrote this piece. It is not cheery, it would trigger some and if you’re having a bad day these are not the 300 words for you. Proceed with caution

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New Book on Living with Bipolar, Depression — Title and Cover Revealed

It feels like I’ve been waiting for years to tell everyone the title of my book, but the fact is, the title has only existed in its current form for a short while. It’s funny how I can write 1000s of words for myself or for clients, practically without thinking about it but when I considered the title for my book, every, single syllable was tough to decide on. And the cover? That took many, many iterations and multiple designers (including me taking a crack at it).

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My Three-Time Suicide Attempt Story – Why I Don’t Regret Them

The Bipolar Burble welcomes guest post writer Kerry Martin who has started multiple non-profits, lives with bipolar disorder and is a three-time suicide attempt survivor. She bravely shares her story.

I’m gay. I’m bipolar. And, I’m a three-time suicide survivor. Today, I’m out. I’m proud. And, I’m still alive and kicking. But I used to be closeted, ashamed and suicidal. While I wasn’t diagnosed as bipolar until my early 40s, I have always struggled with depression and have tried to take my life not once, not twice but three times.

According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the first step to suicide prevention is removing the stigma by starting the conversation.

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New Book on Living with Bipolar, Depression — Table of Contents Revealed

Today I’d like to introduce you to some of the table of content in the new book I’m working on. This is a book designed to speak to those with bipolar, those with depression and the loved ones of both groups. It contains a lot of my “greatest hits” from both Bipolar Burble and Breaking Bipolar plus new writing as well. I hope this will be the first in a series I plan to release.

I’m very pleased to say I’m in the editing process for the book which means it’s well on its way to publishing. The ebook version will be out first and then a dead-tree version will likely be available at some point after that. There is no official publication date as of yet, but I’ll let you know when I firm something up.

To get updates on how the book is going, a free short ebook on coping skills and other interesting mental illness tidbits, be sure to sign up for my newsletter (sign-up form at the bottom of this post).

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Urine Test to Distinguish Between Bipolar and Depression – Does It Really Exist?

Today, on the Bipolar Burble Facebook page, someone posted a link to an article on The Health Magazine (a website) that had the headline: A Urine Test Can Distinguish Between Bipolar Disorder And Depression. The poster bought into this headline and felt that “people should know about this.”

Well, I can tell you that when someone claims to have found a urine test to distinguish between bipolar and depression, you should be very skeptical. Believe me, if this were a real thing, it wouldn’t just show up in some clickbait website, written by someone named “admin.” (Normally, these types of sites even steal the content they do have.)

Let’s look at the facts of the matter. Does a urine test to differentiate between depression and bipolar disorder really exist?

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Additional Writings

Check out my Amazon Author Page.

I write a three-time Web Health Award winning column for HealthyPlace called Breaking Bipolar.

Also, find my writings on The Huffington Post and my work for BPHope (BP Magazine).


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