I do not consider mental health-related politically correct language to be superior in any way. People who know me know I’m not a big fan of political correctness in the mental health arena. I don’t give a hoot about “person-first language.” I don’t care if you absentmindedly call the weather “bipolar.” And I will always call a spade a spade and say I represent the mentally ill and not those with “behavioral health conditions.” And I talk about violence and mental illness and other things that we’re not supposed to mention because it scares the villagers. And I certainly don’t think insisting on changing the aforementioned things (and oh-so-much-more) helps those of us with mental illness in the slightest. I realize, this puts me in the minority (and she laughs), but my opinion is, politically correct language in mental health is not superior, just different.
The Superiority Complex of the Politically Correct
I strongly suspect the politically correct crowd feels they are better than everyone else. “Oh, yes, I use person-first language so obviously I’m helping people with schizophrenia more than people who call them ‘schizophrenics.’”
Oh really?
Using that person-first language you are so fond of, I might say you’re a person with a superiority complex. You think you’re better than I am because of the words you choose to express a point, and typically a weak point at that? You think you’re superior because you pussyfoot around the mentally ill instead of just treating us like everyone else (you know, actual equality)? You think you’re superior because you only talk about “recovery” and what people want to hear instead of talking about unpopular, negative issues like about all the people who are chronically sick and cause problems?
Yeah, I’m going with superiority complex.
You’ve convinced yourself via the PC police you are educating us poor plebians and how you choose to express yourself is better.
Nope. It’s just different.
Being Seen As an Enemy When Your Language Is Not Politically Correct in Mental Health
Recently, on Project Runway, one of my favorite shows, a judge called an outfit, well actually two outfits, “schizophrenic.” She was using it in the sense that the outfit had “multiple personalities” as in (according to Dictionary.com):
of or relating to conflicting or inconsistent elements; characterized by unusual disparity
This is obviously an outdated way of looking at the illness of schizophrenia and yet, still a recognized definition of the word “schizophrenic.” And while I’m not a friend of the judge, my guess is she wasn’t calling an outfit a mental illness, she was simply using an English-language word.
In other words, the judge did nothing wrong. She expressed her opinion in the way she knew how.
Now, I would prefer she not use the word “schizophrenic” in a negative fashion (and, actually, tweeted so to the show) but I don’t think she’s inferior simply because she’s not PC in this regard. I’m not offended and I’m not ashamed. I would prefer she not do it. That’s it. She’s not “the enemy.”
I recognize we all express ourselves differently, we all know different words and definitions and I’m not better than her simply because I likely wouldn’t call an outfit “schizophrenic.” And understand when I tell you, that word might even come to mind with the above definition, but I might not say it so as to not offend the PC police.
And I know for my part, people have constantly chastised me for not being politically correct enough. I have no doubt that certain large mental health organizations have passed on my speaking for them because I have my own mind. I am suddenly an enemy. Me – the bipolar. Me – who tries to help the mentally ill every day. Me – who offers everyone the same respect and dignity regardless as to a diagnosis.
Yes, me — I’m the enemy because I won’t change, or apologize for, my language in all situations.
I’m the enemy and those who always ensure person-first language are superior. That’s how we’re supposed to see it.
Mental Health Politically Correct Language Is Not Superior
Those of the United States shave this habit of saying, “America is the best country in the world.”
Well, that’s wrong, for two reasons.
- Millions of non-US citizens also call “America” their home (see South America and Central America for just a few folks). United States citizens really don’t have a trademark on the word “America.”
- The United States is a fine country – but so are many others. Many others are better than the United States at many things. Many have lower poverty rates. Many have much more successful education systems. Many (including Canada) have better healthcare systems. And, according to international research, those in other countries are happier than those in the United States. Sorry, but it’s true.
Nevertheless, while every time someone from the United States insists that “America is the best country in the world” it kind of irks me, I don’t insist he or she make the language accurate and/or and politically correct. Yes, we’ve all come to accept that those who come from the United States call themselves “Americans” and the rest of us aren’t supposed to. It’s really a politically incorrect thing, but it’s just a thing in language. I’m not about to get in a huff about it. (And, of course, as it is those from the United States who are the political correctness police in most instances, they have no interest in policing something so fundamental about themselves. Oddly, no one else seems to be insisting on it. And PS, calling yourself “an American” isn’t person-first. Just saying.)
So when I say, “Us bipolars are a moody bunch,” for example, it’s just different, not inferior to, “those with bipolar disorder experience moods.” If you feel better about the PC version, that’s your business, but you’re not better than me simply because you choose the latter option.
Stop Sucking the Blood from My Language
As a writer, I actually find political correctness offensive as I find it needlessly shackling. I should have the right to express myself as I want without worrying a whole whack of people who assume they are “do-gooders” will jump down my throat – as they currently do. Every time I’m out of step with the politically correct you can bet your booty someone’s going to wave his or her superiority flag and tell me so.
And this just sucks the blood from the language. There are multiple ways to express the same thing for a reason (us writers pretty much insist on it for one) – different points, different contexts, different moments require different words. And that’s okay. I don’t say things like you. I’m not better than you. I’m just different.
Intention is key to language. (I’ve written about this before.) I don’t mean to degrade people with bipolar disorder when I say “us bipolars” even if some people will insist on taking it as if it is some insult. If you want, be offended, that’s your business. But make no mistake about it, just because you would say, “those of us who have bipolar disorder” does not make you better than me. It makes your different. Which is fine with me. Why isn’t it fine with you?
(PS: When someone uses a slur such as “fag” in a non-hurtful context [such as among friends] it makes me uncomfortable. However, I’m not so egotistical as to tell other people they shouldn’t use a word just because it makes me uncomfortable when no harm is intended or, indeed, done.)
Banner image by Flickr user wstera2.
Image by Vegetationlife (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
I use the definitive politically correct terms only on forms or when being interviewed by a medical practioner, If I’m talking to an old friend who asks me what I’m doing now my reply is ‘disabled out, bipolar and diabetic, can’t drive because the Meds put me to sleep.’
While I think of myself as an individual I also know I exist in a transient state, I am moving from a hypo mania state to a depression state then back to the mania state on a very short type line. So yes I would say I identify as being a bipolar.
Well… I am one of those “progressives”, I gather. Being a woman of a certain age and struggling and suffering with mental illness for over 40 years now… I refer to myself as “one with Bipolar Disorder” or “I have Bipolar Disorder” rather than “I am Bipolar.” Truth is; I am a human being with mental illnesses by many names.
I have recently been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. I do not call myself a “diabetic”. I’ve been diagnosed with a seizure disorder. I do not call myself “a epileptic”. I have Osteoarthritis and suffer with chronic pain, a degenerative disorder… I do not call myself “a osteoarthritic”.
It’s not to imply I am superior over anyone. I choose, on my own volition, to not be “seen” or “perceived” as a DSM diagnosis or a ICD-10 diagnosis… not as a disease or disorder.
It’s not WHO I AM. It is what I have.
I just don’t want my being to be reduced to that of a illness. Some of my medical records, from and during a horrendous car accident to which the records showed Bipolar as a diagnosis (along with a few other medical/mental) have me identified as a middle-aged female Bipolar patient. I am not, on numerous records of that time, identified as a middle-aged female with her large intestine ripped in two (for example).. no, I am a middle-aged female Bipolar patient who presents in the ER with…..
I just choose to not have my sole identity colored with a mental illness because it’s not who I am.. it’s what I have.
I say “I’m bipolar” the same way I say “I’m tall” or “I’m blonde.” I am all three, and I can’t change them (well, someday maybe I’ll stop being blonde). It doesn’t mean bipolar is all I am, just that it’s an important part of who I am.
“Using that person-first language you are so fond of, I might say you’re a person with a superiority complex…I’m the enemy and those who always ensure person-first language are superior. That’s how we’re supposed to see it.”
Did you ever consider that maybe the people who choose to use progressive language do so simply because they are more comfortable with it, and not because of anything related to you?
You make quite an accusation here — that people who use person-first language have a “superiority complex,” which is nonsensical since someone who genuinely believed they were superior would have no reason to put on airs and try to convince you; and that they’re trying to make you into an enemy. Yet I don’t see any reasoning behind these accusations, just a repeated insistence that “that’s how we’re supposed to see it.”
Perhaps you should try setting aside the mindset of “The Enemy” and considering the possiblity that many people who use person-first language do so in the same spirit you described; “There are multiple ways to express the same thing…And that’s okay. I don’t say things like you. I’m not better than you. I’m just different.”
Hi Kathryn,
The difference between me and the PC crowd is that they’re always getting mad at me. I couldn’t care less that they choose to play so carefully with words.
– Natasha Tracy
We smoke fags in the UK…separated by a common language here. Another issue around correcting the language people use is it’s a way of putting people down or shutting people up. Some of the politically correct language just isn’t a natural way to use language. It’s word trickery, with too many complicated steps. It’s tiring. When people are ill, distressed and worn the last thing they need is some holier than thou person, lacking in appropriate empathy, correcting the language they use about themselves. Enforced politically correct language is also divisive, because it requires a level of language skills many people don’t have. Do we really want people to fear speaking at all because they worry they may use the wrong words and be rounded on by an angry mob? Being kind and patient is far more important and useful than getting angry about language.
Spot on! The local mental health patricians are horrified at the idea of anyone being called “a bipolar” or if I said, “I am *a* bipolar”. Hey, around here they don’t even like people with bipolar being referred to as such – they prefer to drop the label “bipolar” for “mental disorder, which they use to label ALL mental conditions. *sigh!*
” Oh, it’s defining them by their illness!” Tosh! Let’s be real – once bipolar always bipolar, until we die. We do not define ourselves by the illness – *it* defines us. *It* sneaks up and causes us to behave differently. Some of us may be lucky that the bipolar condition subsides for a time. But we all know, it’s a sleeping dog that can wake up at any time and bite us, just to remind us who is really in control. There is no escaping having, being bipolar. I am a member of a common group of people with bipolar disorder, all with shared problems and challenges, and as a group, we *are* bipolars, so I am A bipolar…
Of course, I am fine if other bipolars prefer the PC way of describing
Reality check. How, exactly, was this judgmental, anger filled rant supposed to help anyone other than yourself? I came away from it upset and not sure I want to follow you any more. I read your blog for insight and compassion, not this complaining/whining. It’s stressful and disappointing. How about live and let live.
Damn! Give her a break! Don’t you ever vent? (you just did)
Natasha has wrtten scores of helpful articles re: bipolar , scads of columns championing the bipolar/mentally ill crowd, discussed it on many a youtube video, does public speaking on the subject, and has even written a damn book about it!
I found this opening of hers particularly thought provoking, label freeing and honest to a fault. She receives our whining posts day in and day out. Ever hear her tell us she’s going to let only the postve posts be admtted here?
That would be ”crazy”. We can’t let Natsha be like us! She has to follow OUR rules. She’s not allowed to”help herself.”
Here. Let me show you the way out..
I agree with pretty much all of what you wrote, but must say that I don’t call myself “a bipolar” or that “I am bipolar”. Of course many people with bipolar disorder do. That is of course their choice, and I don’t think most of the people that use language in that way really think of themselves as more of a mental illness as opposed to “a human being”. However, I have come across a number of people with bipolar disorder that are excessively obsessed with the illness and actually do seem to feel their identity is nothing more than a series of depressions and manias.
I have had periods in my life when my illness seemed to take over my life. However, I was still me (Cindy) at the core. Obviously when I’ve felt better the core me seemed to shine brighter than the mental illness, but I know it is still more of a malfunctioning presence than part of my identity. Just as cancer is in one’s body doesn’t make it all the afflicted is about.