I have written a lot about what to do before, during, and after a suicide attempt. I guess that’s because the people who read my work are the survivors and the loved ones, mostly of suicide survivors.
But there’s a very underserved community in conjunction with suicide, and that is the loved ones left behind by suicide. They are suicide survivors, too. These people are left with a void. These people are left with a hole in their hearts and a hole in the information that’s available. But there are things I think you should know if your loved one commits suicide.
1. His (or her) suicide is not your fault.
This is a big one. Huge. You have to understand that no matter how it happened, the suicide is not your fault. You didn’t force him to pull the trigger. You didn’t make him gulp down bottles of pills. You didn’t push him off the building. At every turn, your loved one could have made a different choice, but he didn’t. In the end, your loved one chose to end his pain in the way he saw best at that moment in time. He took his life; you didn’t. Even if the last thing you did was scream at him – that didn’t cause his suicide. Only he did that.
His suicide was about him, not you. His suicide is not your fault.
2. You’re going to be angry with, and hurt by, the person who killed himself.
When a person dies, you feel loss, and you mourn that loss, but mourning a loss due to suicide is more complicated because there are so many contradictory feelings in play. You feel guilty because you didn’t do more. You feel hurt because he didn’t come to you. You feel angry that the person won’t be there at your wedding. You feel profound sadness that this person is no longer in your world.
And so on, and so on, and so on. The feelings pile up one on top of each other until you’re standing on a hill of confusion, seemingly, with no way down.
This is normal. Those horrible things you’re thinking about the victim of the suicide? Normal. Feeling angry? Normal. Feeling hurt, loss, sadness, guilt? All normal, normal, normal, normal. In short, whatever you are feeling is normal for you. It will hurt, and it will be confusing, but you will work through it.
3. You’re probably never going to understand why someone you loved chose to commit suicide.
There are exceptions to this, I guess, in pockets, but predominantly, you’re just not going to understand what drove that person you loved to commit suicide at that moment. You’re not going to understand why he didn’t call a helpline. You’re not going to understand why he didn’t reach out to you or someone else and say he was suicidal. You’re not going to understand why, of all the moments, he chose that one to end his life. I can tell you that it had to do with ending pain, but that’s about all we know.
You’re just not going to understand his suicide – you can’t. It’s not possible. Even if you were one of the few that were left a suicide note, you still won’t understand all the deep questions that come up. Sometimes, we need to learn that there are no answers, only painful questions.
4. You will try to look for the logic behind your loved one’s suicide.
Because you’re a thinking, feeling, rational human being, you will try to look for the logic behind your loved one’s suicide. You won’t be able to find this logic because suicide is not a rational, logical choice. Acting on suicide only makes sense in the mind of someone who is in such extreme pain that most would find it unfathomable. The logic exists in the illness, and if you don’t suffer the same way, you’re likely never going to see it.
5. The pain from suicide will get better.
The emotions will be almost unbearably painful, and they will seem to swallow you whole – but that won’t last forever. The anguish that you feel will lessen. The outrage that you feel will quell. You will heal from this wound that feels impossible to heal from. Grief often feels like the end of the world but it really never is. It’s just an interruption to your world. A horrible, nasty, massive, painful, angry interruption – but one that won’t last forever. I promise.
While You’re Processing the Emotions of Suicide
And while you’re working through all the painful questions and emotions tied to suicide, remember this – take care of yourself. Going through something this difficult makes you vulnerable emotionally and physically, so make sure you meet the basic requirements of sleeping, eating, drinking enough water, and going outside from time to time. I know those things tend to fall by the wayside during times like these but you need to focus on them because they’re going to only make you stronger to face the pain that suicide leaves in its wake.
Survivors of Suicide Resources
If your loved one has committed suicide, you may wish to check out:
- The Survivors of Suicide website, including their resources page
- Find a support group through the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
- Healing after a Loved One’s Death by the Mayo Clinic
- These suicide and suicide attempt resources
And there are many, many more that are more local. Just Google “suicide survivors support yourarea.”
My thoughts are with you. While it’s unfair you have to go through this, you don’t have to go through this alone. Reach out.
A Note on Suicide Terminology
Please be advised that some people object to the term “commit” suicide. Suicide awareness advocates would generally prefer “died by suicide.” I do recognize this but the issue is that people who need this information are going to search for the term “commit suicide” as that is what everyone says. In order to get the information out to the people who need it, it needs to use common vernacular That being said, I do say “died by suicide” when I feel it’s appropriate. More on suicide terminology here.
Also, I know that people who die of suicide can be men or women but I need a singular pronoun to use and that is often “him.”
my brother hung himself in 1977 when he was 22 and i was 25. my sister and he were close and she was aged 20. it is something the whole family never got over and i hold all of us responsible and believe everyone played a part in it eben me. you cant deny that. and i have attempted suicide and my own life before and thats everything those around you at the time. my dad was the last to see him alive and when my brother told him he was sick of living with schizophrenia and the side afffects from the meds my dad told him to go ahead and do it. my dad confessed this to me in a telephone call years later. i told my brother i didnt feel the meds work and i too am treatment resistant. my sister was distancing herself from him. he left behind his poetry The Road and you can find it all on my poetry blog and he tells it as it was : annesgoodpoems.wordpress
Hi Bippyone,
I would never tell a person how to feel about a loved one’s suicide. If that’s how you feel, that’s okay.
I would suggest, however, that while there are always compounding factors to what we do, it is not anyone’s fault, per se. I know when I attempted suicide, there were factors leading to it, of course, but there was no one in the room making the decision but me.
– Natasha Tracy
It’s been nearly a year and a half since I came home to find my husband had hung himself in our garage. He had a mental breakdown six months earlier We had a difficult and complicated marriage of almost 13 years. When I found him and looked into his face, realizing that my husband was dead, my brain exploded with so many thoughts but the one that still stands out for me is that I knew that my life had just gotten easier. I don’t have guilt over his suicide because I did everything I possibly could for him. His family stood by and did nothing so of course they blame me. I’m so over that. More to the point, and the reason I’m writing, is to find information about the experiences of those like me. I’m not looking for coping tools and hope that things will get better because I know they will. I want to know what others are going through after the one year mark. Death is difficult but suicide adds an additional layer to grief. I have periods where I believe I’m finally thru the worse of it. Then out of nowhere, I have anxiety that drops me to my knees. I can’t tolerate anything unpredictable and find myself being so controlling of myself and my surroundings that I could snap into pieces from being wrapped too tight. Can anyone direct me to a resource where I can read about other’s experiences?
hello…. i lost mine due to suicide too? 2 years 4 months ago….
we had 8 years relationship and rarely argued….this is because the way he thought…the way he acted were not normal…. i could say something is wrong with him, but he never told me anything! a few months before, he started to act more strange…like wanting to fight with people etc and he was really a quite person. i could say something is wrong but i never knew why???
the wewk before i found him we had a big fight on a very simple thing! but since i had been sensing something is strange i did not want to give up as usual…. at the same time i never imagined we would go through this?
i just thought he had someone else…another relationship….so we didn t speak for a week … then the night before i saw him destroying all the clothes and the things that i had gave him during the years! my reaction was…telling him..now i know you are loosing your mind! but i just told it because i taught he was destroying it on purpose?
then i went into the bedroom and he came… he did a statement….he told me….tell me our relationship is over!
i told him…i do not want it 2 b ovee…i just want to know what is going through your mind… he did this 3 times that evening. after the last one he grabbed the rosary and went to pray. then he came and he told me that i am going 2 remember this all my life and that i should write it in a diary?? i taught he was leaving me 4 someone else. he had left sometimes and always came back the same say….so i never imagined! i couldn t sleep so i left early 4 work. i went to get my car and found him hanged in d garage..at that moment i like liked it because he made me feel suffocated the way he acted. now its been over two years! i struggled and still struggling each day? i have very few friends…but then they are only available on a saturday…. i feel too much lonely… i want to have someone in my life… at the same time i cannot trust men anymore?… but eveyday i cry too much because of my loneliness…. i just wish i had someone to talk to…. i try to keep myself occupied but still i cry everyday when i stop.. i wish you a very good luck…. i pray God that no one passess through all this because this is too much pain?…. but unfortunately these cases will never stop???… if you need to talk you are welcome. Where i live i did not find anybody that passed through all this yet and when you ve been through it its different….
Today is the tenth year since my husband hung himself. A 35 year marriage. He was a constant cheater. I put up with it because I did not want my three daughters in shared custody. He had no common sense and was afraid for there safety. After they graduated college I filed fore divorce. Two weeks later he hung himself. My family blames me. They said if I had not filed for divorce he would not have taken his life. So it was his life or me putting up with it. I made the right decision. He didn’t.
I found my boyfriend yesterday. He had hung himself. I was with him all morning, we spoke about a lot of things. I know he was depressed. We also had a fight. I had to leave at 1h34pm. He immediately started talking over sms telling me how he is quitting life and he cant ever live without me. How he will not stay alove with the thought that i am not his forever. He said things like ‘before i go’, ‘goodbye’, ‘i love you bye’. And just before this he said to me he is all set up and ready. I never thought he was serious. At 16h12 he said to me ‘4 minutes’. That was his last message ever. He was a Paramedic. He knew how long the brain needed no oxygen. I rushed to his place when i got that last message. When i got there everything was locked. It looked normal. I unlocked and went inside. Then when i saw a long piece of rope on the one side of the door (the door was closed) i knew. I tried to open the door but could only see his head and a ladder. This was where i freaked out. He was already beyond saving. I feel like its my fault. Like he didnt know how much i really loved him. I sent him an sms a while ago. Telling him i miss him. And i love him. I know he will never read it.
Hi Jolene,
I’m very sorry to hear of your situation. I can’t imagine how hard that must be for you.
I want to tell you: It’s not your fault. It’s normal to feel like it is, but it isn’t your fault. No one can make a person take his/her own life. You didn’t do anything wrong. Obviously, he had his own reasons for what he did but whatever they were, you didn’t cause them.
I know this because I have attempted suicide. In my case it had a lot to do with the actions of a doctor; nevertheless, no one could have made me take that act except me.
You loved him while he was here and that is a gift.
Like I said, it’s normal to feel like it’s your fault but eventually, you’ll need to let that go. Of course, that can take some time. So take that time to grieve.
– Natasha Tracy
I just lost my boyfriend a month and a half ago he completed suicide and his family and friends are blaming me for it because he sent me a picture with a gun then called me and told me he was going to do it so I yelled at him and called 911 trying to get him help instead of just talking to him and trying to help him through his feelings.. The cops wouldn’t let me have any contact with him and he called several times leaving voicemails saying I was the only one who could stop this and even told the negotiatior but they still wouldn’t let me then his phone went dead and he had no one to talk towns that’s when he did it after a few hours during a stand off and I’m kicking myself in the ass for not answering to him and helping him through this and coaching him down instead of listening to the cops protocols cause it sure didn’t help so I wonder if he would of talked to me if he would still be here today? Now that’s what I have to live with everyday but 2weeks prior he talked about it and I went to family and they said they didn’t care and he agreed to go to a doctor but his appointment wasn’t till the week he passed away.. Now everyone is saying he only sent me the picture to get attention from me but instead my first instinct was call 911 and saying he did it because he thought he was going back to prison for having a gun but cops already told me he wasn’t now I find out after his death he had relapsed and was shooting cocaine but the night before he took his life I yelled at him and wasn’t so nice to him and that’s another reason I feel guilty so I do believe I’m at fault and will never be able to move on from this
My boyfriend was cheating. I found out and kicked him out. He cried for me back but I told him we could be friends because I couldn’t trust him. He shot himself the next morning after binging on Xanax and alcohol. The family won’t let me attend his service because they said I’m what pushed him over the edge and caused his death. I feel as if I will never forgive myself for not just staying with him.
Hi Renee,
I’m a firm believer that nothing can _make_ you commit suicide. You, literally, can’t do anything to me to force that. I can, however, choose that. And, yes, the stress of the break-up may have had something to do with the state your boyfriend was in when he chose to take his life but remember, suicide is an _action_ and we all choose our actions. You didn’t hand him the gun.
I would consider it pretty normal for a grieving family to look for someone to blame and, of course, you’re the most obvious person but that doesn’t mean you _are_ to blame.
It’s normal to feel guilt in this situation — caring and loving people would — but you do need to forgive yourself eventually. You had no way of predicting what was about to happen and it’s not your fault.
– Natasha Tracy
Hi Renee I thought I was reading about my story since it’s so similar to yours. It took me a long time and even at times I feel guilty with what happened to my son’s father at that time my son was 2 years old and now 4 yrs old. It killed me inside to deal with his death I wanted to be buried with him. I’ve learned to forgive myself and asked my bf and God for forgiveness if anything between us played any part in his decision which with time I’ve realized that it wasn’t my fault. I dream about him often and in every dream he is hugging me, telling me he loves me and that it wasn’t my fault. I miss him everyday and he is constantly on my mind specially seeing his characteristics in my son. Be strong and know that it wasn’t your fault his grieving family will find the closest person to him to blame. They should check themselves and maybe think how they failed him. You will get better and get through this not easy but you will heal. Best luck to you!
I lost my girlfriend she was of 15yrs.
It was the one of the shocking moment for me to accept that she is expeired. It was like what i am listining? Which was unbeleivable for me to accept. When i got to know that she was no more in this world i just dont know that what to do or what not.
I think at this stage of time i have seen a huge incidence in my life i m of 18. I had never expected this. I had never thought that she was so weak infact she use to tell that yes we will face each and every problem whatever will come in our life but then also she gaved up from her life, and there is a questionmark in my mind that why she did
Why she didnt called me why she didnt did any message to me i would have saved her in any way
She commited her suicide early in the morning around 6:30 she jumped from her terrace and up from 5th floor. I am just thinking when she was stepping her stairs what was going through her mind and when she step forward from her terrace to commit what she felt at that time it is so dangerous to look from up. Even i looked from 3th floor i got feared and she jumped from 5th floor it was really a unbeleivable incidence for me.
I never expected that she will do such kind of thing even i m thinking that there was not any problem when she meet me last night and at that night she didnt came online nor she called me nor she did any message to me i was so confident that she will surely contact me but she didnt and it is the one of the most regretable thing for me that may be she should called me up once and should shared her problem once with me.
Why she didnt thought that someone is there who is in love with her i dont know why she took this step infact i had told her so many times that life is very precious try to be a good girl and many things
Whenever i use to meet her i had told her that be the good one so that you can get every happiness but i dont know what went in her mind and why she did
In my entire life there will be a questionmark that why she did.
And now i am just thinking that this may be the reason behind her suicide or that may be the reason every day i use to think a different reason.
I dont know what happened at that night between 9;30 to 6;30 that she didnt thinked any think and took this step without doing any kind of contact with me even i told her that i am there with you each and every time after that also she didnt thought for me once.
May be there would be a very bug reason behind it coz no one can take such a big step so easily
I cant do anything now it seems like life is giving so much of problems and why each and every time big problems comes to me there are lot questions running through my mind but there is no one to give me any solution of that problems
I just think that why every time its me ?
And i dnt think that it is small thing that happened in my life coz there is nothing big than this coz i have seen someone’s death with whom i was in relationship and this relationship was very big part of my life
Ya i also beleive that there comes a lot of problems in life but suicide is not a solution i also told her many times that any problems comes we will handle it but together but she did i dnt know why and is it real that it was suicide
I cant figure put any of the questions which are running through my mind nor i can take any decision to move on
How would i ?
Coz it is not so easy
And now its not possible for me to beleive this and what should i do am not getting in every thing i use to miss her in each and every thing.
I lost my husband of 45yr Nov 1 2015 to taking 100 pills. He had been very depressed for yrs but would not go to doctors, hated hospitals etc. When this happened he had told us all (his children & I) he wanted to die. Now I am blamed for not doing enough or should of had him committed. How can I deal with this ? It’s been 7 months but still feels like last week.
Hi Carolyn,
As I said in the piece, someone else’s act is not your fault, even if that act was suicide. _No_one_ can predict a suicide and no one should expect you to have done the impossible. Believe me, his act was his responsibility, not yours. I recommend getting some counselling from someone who is skilled in the area of suicide as those feelings you are having can be very strong and may not go away without help.
I wish you the best in this tough time.
– Natasha Tracy
My boyfriend just committed suicide this week. This was his third attempt and the one that killed him. A couple months ago he tried and I was able to save him before he was completely gone. He blamed me at the time. I’m 5 months pregnant with his baby and I just couldn’t go on with the relationship so he did it again. This time I wasn’t able to save him. I know how you feel when people blame you. I feel so guilty even though it was his decision. Hearing from people online is really helping. No one in my personal life can relate to the tragedy we are facing.
I just lost my best friend ever because he died of suicide. It’s really hard to move on because he said he would always be there for me and always have my back no matter what happens. Then one day I got home from school and I looked at my kik and there was the note he left. I called his mom and she said yes he did do it and after that I hung up the phone and cried for hours.
It’s hard because I just feel so alone and lost and just no one understands the pain I’m going through and I really miss him you know….he was my best friend ever and he took his life away.
I lost my cousin April 7th, 2016 and he committed suicide. It’s so hard for me to let go of him. He was always there for me when no one else was and the feeling that i couldn’t even be there for him when he needed someone the most breaks my heart so much. He texted his mom about the location of the suicide place 5am and he was found around 7pm and they said he’s been dead for 5 hours his last conversation was around 1pm and my aunt is blaming herself for not coming that morning to the place she said she could’ve saved him but it didn’t happen.;( it breaks my heart that my aunt thinks that. and me too i have this feeling that i’m so stupid that the 4 pages suicide note he told me most of what he wrote in the letter. I’m just a 17 year old teenager and he just turned 22 i don’t know anything about life he would always open up to me he always overthink and i would always give him a funny response or answer. He even said himself that he doesn’t get the idea why people commit suicide he’s mad at people who commits suicide but now why did he do that? i don’t know what to do without him. this is all my fault for being mad at him and for being a stupid cousin.
This has helped me when so little has. We tragically lost our 15-year-old daughter to suicide 7 wks ago and we’re simply shattered. The guilt and loss is unbearable, overwhelming, and paralyzingly painful. But, Natasha, you helped. Thank you so much for that. Our story is here: http://tinyurl.com/Ciara-Whitney
I lost my best friend in October 2015. I found his hanged body and tried with his dad to save him.
I’m haunted every day by that image and now having to see a psychiatric nurse. I miss my friend. He was depressed, I tried in the six months I knew him to help him, but I couldn’t, and that’s the hardest part. Not having control when others take actions that affect people emotionally. I’m like a sponge to emotions, and I too cannot cope. I see the last image of him, every day either when my eyes are open or closed. I’m a ghost of before and haunted.
Hi Sam
I’m sorry to hear what you have been through.
I too found my partner after he hung himself in January 2015. My experience is similar, I too see this image everyday.
From the sounds of things you did everything you could to help him. He just felt his pain was too much and felt that was the only way to end it.
Are you still in contact with his dad? Just I feel it may help you both.
My beloved committed suicide by hanging himself last June. I found him in our garage. We had a stupid fight the night before and at that time he told me that I was not going to see him anymore. I only thought that he needed some time to think and I did not even imagine that he would ever do something like that. He never passed any comments that he was thinking about suicide. Even I think about him all the time but when I go to get the car from the garage I try not to imagine him hanging there. I only have my house and I cannot loose it by hating it.
He left me without even knowing why…..He always said he loved me. That he would be there always for me….but he did not…why???? I will never know. A few weeks before he also wanted to buy me a new car. So i do not know how his thoughts have changed suddenly…
l am now sad, depressed and i do not have anyone to talk to that can actually understand what I am feeling. I have a nice family they supported me as best as they can but as I said they will never actually recognize what I am going through.
Sometimes I feel sorry for him because I say that he was depressed and no one ever knew including myself. Other times I feel angry at him because he just left me alone in this world. I even feel sad and cry because I cannot accept that I will never know the reason behind his awful decision. The only thing that I can say is that I do not know if I will ever get over it and how long it will take. It will be very hard for me to trust someone else because he always told me that he loved me.. But if he did he will never have done what he did and leave me all by myself in this world…. I pray for him all the time. I also pray for myself and this is the only way that is helping me to cope……
This page has helped me. I lost my son 5 days ago.
@Johnny the Thumb…. You might not want to hear this, but the truth is that in time, things will get better. Just remember, 6 months from now things will be better. And it might take another 6 months after that. I am an old woman, but I can tell you there is a girl or there looking for you too! Be the good guy she is looking for, and she will be so happy when she finally finds you!!
I have seriously tried to kill myself with no joy…… I got amazing help from family friends and HBTT in Trafford. Thoughts more under control again but as this has happened before I feel as though it’s just waiting for next hole to fall into, still here at present……….
My brother took his life this past July. July 28th @9:15pm to be exact. Normal to think; what could I have done or said, why don’t he reach out, why didn’t I see this coming? And why in hind sight only?
Yes, all normal thoughts, this waves of loss and hurt will subside become less unbearable but the waves of grief will still come.
Can I understand all the whys? No, not really even though some, again in hindsight or after knowledge, I get it.
He was young, yes only 52. A caregiver to a woman he loved, a woman with many health issues. He had a few himself and struggled with alcoholism and depression. Alcohol exasperating the depression, as most know.
I love him dearly, wish I could have stopped the chaos in his life, I know I couldn’t, it was up to him.
Suicide runs in families or should I say depression? Yes, depression that if left untreated and even then, can lead to suicide.
What is the lesson in this heartbreaking loss? I still have not the answer. As above, it is entirely up to that person to chose life or death. However, this is true, if love could have saved you Jim, you never would have taken your life away from those who still love you.
My sister died, she was only 18, I was just 10. I was so young but now I am 15 and I understand suicide a lot more, she had just had a baby girl and he boyfriend didn’t want to be involved, she was scared and dropped off the baby at daycare. She then, committed suicide. I lost a part of me, but things to get easier
You people make me so sick…that’s part of the reason why I’m going to kill myself. But, for your amusement let’s touch on a few more.
I constantly see things that are not there (my primary reason)…for example, I thought this girl liked me when she didn’t. Every time I get a crush on a girl, I think she thinks the same way. Even after learning not to come on too strong I always end up doing just that, and the girl gets VERY creeped out, sometimes she will even admit as much.
People like you say, ooooh talk about your feelings. So I do. I even went to counselling. The woman said not to focus so much on my pain, but on others. So I did…I shut up my feelings and stopped thinking about me and would even make fun of those selfish people who do this….now what?
I hate you all because most of you are ignorant…”Oh if only the person liked themselves” ??? I fucking love myself…im an awesome personality but I see things that aren’t there and they’re not going away.
Sometimes I wake up and think about all the women I have creeped out with my behavior, and it makes me worry. That worry leads to alcohol. (DOWN)
Sometimes I wake up and because I feel normal, I celebrate that ! Im very very very happy (UP)
SO….DOWN /UP DOWN UP does NOT equal Bipolar….[moderated]….but before you call me, ummmm…..hmmm mood disorder, or bipolar or some shit just listen to my reasoning behind it, you’ll love this…………….
Its people like you who spread lies, encourage taking pills that are going to magically make me forget all the people who have been alienated by my revealing too much of my personality, or forgotting to show tact, or forgetting to keep my feelings to myself, etc etc etc….women don’t want me…and for that reason, I’m a dead man.
But I’m seriously pondering whether or not [moderated] I think the shock would be so much, that you’d remember NOT TO SPREAD LIES. Desperate times, desperate measures they say. Hey at least others in my position will be spared [moderated].
God bless,
Johnny T
Johnny, You know there is nothing wrong with feeling that way
Incredibly frustrated right now. Was recently diagnosed and found this blog. Awesome, I thought–there must be more like it. Googled “bipolar blogs” 2nd hit was from http://www.healthline.com best blogs of 2013…. 2nd blog listed (after this one :) ) belonged to someone who obviously just killed herself. What the hell? I’ve been to hospital once already–don’t want to go back and what the hell kind of irresponsible group of apparent MDs sends a newly diagnosed and frequently suicidal idiot (me) to a blog form someone who just killed themselves? Sheesh.
My Mom died of suicide on New Years Eve. Yes she did. She was 74 years old, had a heart condition, and very fearful of dying a long painful death. I had told her not to because I was worried if she didn’t “do it” correctly she may end up in worse shape. I tell people she died of suicide, I told her Doctor. My sister found her. I wasn’t close to my Mom because she wanted to die, while my Dad wanted to live up till the bitter end. Neither is better or worse. It just is. I will say, I feel free – and that I’m not advocating suicide at all but a lot of people feel this way and why not talk about it? When I called the Dr. apparently my mother denied thoughts of suicide well sure she did! Duh. She became very happy months before. I had a feeling but I let it go. I thought at her age and if she felt this way and she often did – what could I do? Really? My sister on the other hand did a lot and is the one who suffers the most. I’m not ashamed. I’m sorry she had to feel depressed and resort to this on the other hand I wish this was not a shameful thing rather that she could have the comfort of knowing it was going to be okay. My Mom died of suicide on New Years Eve – I guess I’m choosing to remember her back when she was in Times Square with my Dad and the ball dropped. I miss her. I love her. I know she is at peace. Still, it is sad for me because I can’t write that email to her, ask her that question, I don’t have a Mom anymore and no one can replace her. But I love her and strangely enough am grateful she took the time to write who got what and all the notes left behind. Life sure is short – I’m free to make mine the best I can and I continue to learn. Anna
Anna- My mother committed suicide on New Years’ Eve of 2014. We probably have a large age difference considering that your mother was 74, but it’s pretty tough. My mom was abusive, but I never considered her my real mother because she was so cruel and selfish. My GP knew that my mother was going to commit suicide within a matter of weeks after a visit, and she was right. You’re going to get through this.
Hi Matt, Yeah while time passes and now it’s almost the end of August. The truth is my Mom was very abusive, and selfish as well. I lived with that a long time so while I may have written “I’m glad” it hurts it does hurt. The delayed reaction to one person I never had and needed so much. That’s the thing to never have a Mom, then to really never have a Mom. I’m so sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing what you did. I do hope that your GP / GM is in your life. I imagine you are younger. If you can tell me at 52 I’ll get through it I will, have a son who I adopted and he’s the one person who I would never ever want to hurt. That’s one reason in my delayed reaction here to my mom’s all encompassing being selfish – I don’t want to do that or be that even though I know she saw it differently.
I hope you are doing well 8 months later. Weird that both our mother’s choose the same date. I do wish you all the peace with this and thank you for your response. :-)
Hi Anna, thank you for your response. My GP is very close to my dad and I, although I don’t see her that often now. I’m 14, so much younger.
You’re welcome.
Thank You, Tiffany. You Truly have a Compassionate Heart.
Thanks for all of the great posts.
a blog suggestion…a post on the aftermath of a failed suicide attempt. You’ve written about the need to receive medical attention after an attempt, but you’ve never written about the damage that a failed attempt will do to relationships, etc.
Hi Alison,
I actually did write this, “To Those Who Have Attempted Suicide” https://natashatracy.com/mental-illness-issues/suicide/mentally-ill-attempt-suicide/
Which may not be quite what you mean, but it’s close.
– Natasha Tracy
Regarding comment about ads- this is not a direct, random solicitation to buy a book. Also, the link for this book says the book is 8.50 or something like that. That’s quite a bit different than the nearly 1000 you stated. The author didn’t say “buy my book.” He wanted to share his experience, which is very relevant to this post. He lost someone to suicide and wants to help others. He is just letting us know that he is giving a direct quote, and that it is from his book. He provides the link if we want to find out more. I am someone who hates solicitation. But I don’t think it’s fair to say he is only posting for the money. I appreciate what he posted and think we should not be so quick to assume others have ill intentions.
Just to let you know, the posted link to Mayo is broken.
Another amazing post that I’m proud to share but hope no one I know ever has personal need of.
Hi Alayna,
I wish no one ever needed the post too, but unfortunately, people will. Thanks for sharing.
Also, thanks for letting me know about that link; I’ve fixed it.
– Natasha Tracy
Not sure if you have abandoned you dislike of the term “survivor” or not. Maybe like me it really isn’t that important to nitpick on or maybe I don’t know the larger context in which you think it is correct or not. I’m guessing the latter. I do think the word is far more applicable to suicide attempts or completions then it is for M.I. in general as M.I. is normally a very long lasting if not permanent condition and not a one time or even ten time usually short lived “action” as is a suicide or it’s attempt. Would love to hear your reasoning and clarification on that if only a short reply. I’m guessing i missed something somewhere. Not that important really. I just really hate the survivor word in general. It seems to be so misused and mostly abused. As in I survived “1984′ or similar. To the heart of the matter though. The police, 911 operator, my brother, a corrupt judge and some others have used my long lived Bi-polar disorder as a tool against me. In the vast majority of situations, if fact all but one or two had nothing to do with me being suicidal. It was used as a tool in these cases against me in family disputes, my political activism and my complaints involving my local police and politicians. These complaint were, some of them actually in regard to police murdering two mentally ill women in my city for no just reason. One of whom I knew who was murdered with her baby in her arms. I would say to anyone who before calling authorities on someone in regard to a suicide attempt or someone even just contemplating such (won’t even mention what I think should be done to those family or otherwise and authorities who misuse a persons M.I. as an attempt to gain leverage, control etc. by falsely stating suicidal tendencies when they do not exist) to think VERY, VERY carefully of what they are doing. I once had some vindictive individual who knew, from me telling them how abusive the powers that be can act toward normal individuals who are suicidal, not to mention those with a record of complaints against police and other powerful figures. In my case the police used this pretext to use a big steel ramming iron to break my door off it’s hinges and illegally enter my apt. Once they gained entry they proceeded to go into my bedroom, I had been sleeping quietly at the time and had no time to even rise from bed to address the treat. As I lay in my own bed in my own house approx. 8 police “officers” only one didn’t participate proceeded to empty both rounds on there Taser’s into my body. Being in my underwear at the time all 16 or so hooks made it in and I had the marks to prove it. Instead of reloading the Taser’s as they were trying to do I heard the voice of the sergeant tell those closely hovering over me to just shock me directly without use of the hooks that needed reloading (never knew they could be operated like that til then). Them they proceeded to hold them directly on my body to punish me for my sins I suppose. I had been in extremely good physical condition at the time and if I wasn’t I believe could very easily died from a heart attack. Be very careful if you actually car about someones life and future before deciding to call. This person will most likely never be able to get a govt. job, be a good police officer, will have problems with be licensed as a physician, nurse, fireman, teacher, pilot and the list goes on and on. There are no private medical records or court record or anything like that. Even those things that are supposedly private are not. In the U.S. these records are easily available to almost any law enforcement officer of any kind for any reason including for their own person use and those of their friends and family and anyone will to part with a few dollars. Remember you may save their life but you may also ruin it. As well as many of you know E.R. personnel as well as ambulance drivers etc. have a particular disgust for the attempted suicide patient and will openly express it. The generally held view of these individuals is that you are just taking up there valuable time. It’s a bit like being in a military hospital of the enemy. They will treat you and treat you as an animal. If pain medicine is called for, you most likely aren’t getting it. If you are expecting compassion please go elsewhere you wont get it their. All the family members and friends should know this and know it well. Police, Drs., nurses, paramedics will treat your loved one so badly they might just try it again in the E.R. If you really care about them stay as close to them there and watch over the police and the staff as they are in for some heavy humiliation to add to the problem. And again think carefully before you make that call, especially if you loved one is not so popular to begin with. One E.R. Dr. even after treating me gave me instruction on how to shoot myself next time. I’ll not make that mistake that again and don’t believe anonymity on hotlines. It isn’t true. Neither are anonymous police lines. Look into the law you will see what I mean. When someone in haste ruins your trust they don’t get in back.
Thank you for this. Very informative since I do not know how to deal with this. I’m seeing someone whose loved one died from suicide so this will help me help him.
I’ll keep my thoughts on the previous blog entry to myself – apart from this vague sentence I am opening with.
I have actually tried to top myself some time ago by walking onto the highway , and for not any discernible reason. In order to build up courage I took along a large supply of my medication and consumed a good amount of it thinking it would make the decision for me. Of course my survival instincts kicked in. Others have not been so lucky. Was this a cry for attention even though I only told two close friends and then much later some councilors… Or a protest over being forced to take meds and thus be ‘different’.
Well I could have died at the age of 23, and life is short enough as it is. I hope more is done to prevent as much as possible those who may be more vulnerable than I was, who try something somewhat more likely to succeed. I once overheard some people complaining about a time when someone killed themselves by jumping onto a train track, thus delaying their journey. No hint of remorse for someone who was in a dark place. Just cold comments like ‘if you do it, do it in your own time and space’, and ‘it’s the coward’s way out’. Hmm.. I bet a lot of people who are supposedly normal and condition free would be quick to change their motto if they had a serious illness like I do for even just a week.
Why must you put other innocent live in danger by your attempt’s. Not cool, not cool at all.
An Excerpt from My Book : “Power of Positivity – For Bipolar & anyone Else” http://www.amazon.com/Power-Positivity-Bipolar-Anyone-Else/dp/1478110147
“This is a sad story, but still one of redemption. I hope it will help others when dealing
with their bipolar disorder and to know that their life, too, can change for the better even
after a sad event.
After 36 years have gone by, I still miss my brother, but his death was not in vain. For I
have achieved over 30 years of “episode free emotional stability” with bipolar disorder.
Perhaps a large number of people want an identical twin in their life, maybe because it
fills a need to be themselves “twice over”. It is what lies inside of them: a double soul that contains a deep knowledge of who each one of them really is–in reality, their true identity.
I had that privilege for a short while, to live with my identical twin. But, 36 years ago a
biochemical imbalance took him away from me. You cannot escape your own attitudes,
for they will form the nature of what you see. And those attitudes may always control a
negative image of your past, if you permit it.
I chose to look to the future and have my identical twin lead me to my own bipolar
stability, fighting the same biochemical imbalance that we both shared. He and I are still
the same, but also very different. Because I am alive, he is not. However, some of him is
still with me.
There was a choice I had to make, to climb out of that dark side of my life and to
overcome a very personal loss and make it into a positive. My twin’s death provided
redemption, pushing me toward building my positive attitude, so he did not die in vain.”
$999.11 for a used copy. Please go elsewhere with your ad’s. There are sick people here “Doctor”.