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‘Bipolar Burble’ Blog Guest Posting

I get a lot of requests to guest write at Bipolar Burble. It’s nice to know I’m so popular! I’m happy to hear from you but there are guidelines if you want to be published here. These aren’t meant to scare anyone off, these are...

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How to Sleep with Bipolar — Good Sleep Hygiene and Sleep Tips

Sleeping with bipolar disorder is very hard so this article is devoted to talking about how to sleep with bipolar disorder, what sleep hygiene is and additional sleep tips. I’ve talked about some of these things before, but this post will bring together all the techniques I have previously discussed. Using all these sleep tips, I have been able to better regulate my sleep even with bipolar disorder, and I can tell you when I falter and don’t do these things, my sleep almost always suffers. Learning how to sleep with bipolar disorder has been hard, but good sleep hygiene and other positive sleep habits help.

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You Don’t Need Bad Times to Appreciate the Good

I hate it when people say you need bad times to appreciate the good times. You need darkness to appreciate the light. You need the pain to appreciate the pleasure. This is such nonsense. I have had more bad, dark and painful times than anyone I know and believe me, I don’t feel the need for them — not now and not in the future. I appreciate good things. I am grateful for the light. I yearn for pleasure. But all the bad times didn’t make me appreciate the good times, I’m quite capable of doing that on my own.

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The Uninvisible Podcast Interviews Natasha Tracy

The Uninvisible Podcast recently interviewed me, Natasha Tracy, and, honestly, I’m honored. Lauren Freedman, the host of The Uninvisible Podcast, gave me a chance to talk about what it’s really like to live with bipolar disorder and my personal history battling with the treatment of bipolar disorder, and, quite frankly, I made her laugh out loud. We taped the podcast at the HLTH Conference, where we both received WEGO Health Awards. If you’d like to know more about my personal story and what made our sound tech sit up in rapt attention, this podcast is for you.

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Patient-Blaming in Mental Illness

Recently I talked to a doctor who reminded me that patient-blaming in mental illness is alive and thriving. For those of you not familiar, patient-blaming is when you, the person with mental illness, the patient, are blamed for the lack of treatment success. Unfortunately, this idea is actually baked into medicine’s nomenclature. People say things like, “I failed that medication,” or even, “I failed chemotherapy.” People know the intended meaning, of course, they mean that those treatments failed to make those people better. But the idea that language even exists in medicine really sets the stage for patient-blaming in mental illness.

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Additional Writings

Check out my Amazon Author Page.

I write a three-time Web Health Award winning column for HealthyPlace called Breaking Bipolar.

Also, find my writings on The Huffington Post and my work for BPHope (BP Magazine).
