Category: mental health

Mental Health Webcomic Imparts Positive Mental Health Message

Have you heard of the mental health webcomic Phobiana? Well, until recently, I hadn’t, but judging by its YouTube numbers, I’m in the minority. Phobiana is a mental health webcomic by Tiffany Lowery and Oakley Fae that is aimed squarely at the heart of the difficult issues surrounding mental health and mental illness; and because it’s a comic, it’s able to impart knowledge and a positive message in a way that is impactful and entertaining.

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Trying to Control You By Not Listening to ‘No’ — ‘No’ and Boundaries

Some people try to control us. Some people try to control us for altruistic reasons, and others for darker reasons. Either way, though, I think most of us would prefer not to be controlled by another person. But it can be hard to tell when someone subtly tries to control you. One thing I learned many years ago, though, is that if someone doesn’t listen to you when you say, “no,” they are trying to control you — whether they realize it or not.

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Mental Health and Artificial Intelligence: Emotion Self-Regulation Tools

Mental health is something that’s thought of as happening within oneself, but what if an artificial intelligence in the form of an app plus a wearable could help improve your mental health? What if an artificial intelligence could read your emotional state, learn about your challenges, and then give you specific tasks and tools to help you feel better? What if your own journey of self-discovery could be sped up using the latest in neuroscience, biofeedback, and cognitive behavioral therapy? At least one company and researcher say it’s possible today; so, let’s explore the ideas around emotional self-regulation and how artificial intelligence and mental health can mix. (At the end, I’m going to talk about Larimar’s exciting artificial intelligence, mental health-improving project. You can skip to that bit if you like by clicking here.)

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I write a three-time Web Health Award winning column for HealthyPlace called Breaking Bipolar.

Also, find my writings on The Huffington Post and my work for BPHope (BP Magazine).


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