Category: suicide

Does Jeffery Epstein’s Suicide Rob Victims of Justice?

When I read about Jeffery Epstein’s suicide*, the first thing I thought was, “Well, it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.” But then I heard a reporter on television says that Epstein’s suicide robbed his victims** of justice and this got me thinking: Is it better to have a crime’s perpetrator in jail or dead? Put simply if you were a sex-trafficking victim of Epstein, if he had turned your adolescence into a nightmare for months or longer, would you prefer that he be dead or in prison?

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Why Aren’t Bipolars Asking for Help Before a Suicide Attempt?

As a person with bipolar, I can tell you, I did and I didn’t ask for help before my suicide attempt. I had been asking for mental health help, begging for help with bipolar disorder before my suicide attempt; however, I did not seek out suicide-specific help before my suicide attempt. And while we have data saying that many people see a doctor before attempting suicide, what we also know is that many people with bipolar disorder are not asking for help before a suicide attempt — even if they do see a doctor.

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The Battles of Depression and Suicide of an ‘Everyday Guy’

I have battled with what I now know is depression for the better part of a decade – since my teenage years. At the time, I didn’t see it as depression, it was simply a part of who I was. What my parents once considered to be nothing more than bouts of teenage angst, was something much more sinister. A while back I learned (in therapy) that most of my energy went into keeping me “above the surface.” Fighting like this really is a draining experience. It drained me emotionally, as well as physically.

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Suicide Isn’t a Dirty Word — Talking Suicide and Bipolar

September is National Suicide Prevention Month, and so I want to talk suicide and bipolar. But I don’t just want to talk about suicide and bipolar disorder, I want to straight talk about it. I don’t want to get caught up in stigma or political correctness or whitewashing the pain. Because I believe we need to really talk about suicide to show that suicide is not a dirty word and to help all those who struggle with it.

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Call, Text a Hotline, Lifeline Even If You’re Not Suicidal

It’s important to know that you can, and should, call or text a hotline (formally known in the U.S. as Lifeline) even if you’re not suicidal but are experiencing emotional distress. I’m serious about this. You don’t have to wait until you’re on death’s door to talk to a professional crisis worker. Yes, I know their title is “crisis” worker but really what they are is educated people that are there to help you when you need help – whether you’re formally in a “crisis” or not. In fact, calling or texting a hotline, Lifeline, when you’re not suicidal might be the best thing you can do to save your own life.

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Passive Suicidal Depression – I Wish I Didn’t Wake Up

There are different types of suicidal depressions and one type is the passive suicidal depression. It’s the kind of suicidal depression where you want to die, you just don’t want to kill yourself. (As I’ve written about before, here: The Difference Between Being Suicidal and Wanting to Die.) Passive suicidal depression tends to take forms such as the very common one of not wanting to wake up in the morning.

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Why I Tattooed Over My Suicide Attempt Scars

Last week I tattooed over my suicide attempt scars. This isn’t because I wanted to cover every scar on my body – quite frankly, I have tens of self-harm scars – this is for other reasons. Covering specifically my suicide attempt scars with a tattoo is symbolic. I consider it positive and I hope its permanency will remind me of its positivity for the rest of my life.

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Living with Wanting to Be Dead

I want to be dead. I live with wanting to be dead every day. It’s this thought that constantly plagues my mind: “I want to be dead.” I want to not be here. I want to go home. I want anything that will end the suffering. Living with wanting to be dead is, well, a bitch.

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Would Anyone Commit Suicide Because They Were Told To? The Blue Whale Challenge

Suicide is, sadly, something that happens every day. And while, in many cases, we will never know why the person chose to take his or her life, in some cases, suicide seems to be caused by, or at least partially contributed by, someone else telling the person to commit suicide. Such is said to be the case of a recent suicide in San Antonio which may have been part of the “Blue Whale Challenge” or “Blue Whale Game”. Think no one would kill themselves because someone told them to? The evidence, and I, beg to differ.

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I write a three-time Web Health Award winning column for HealthyPlace called Breaking Bipolar.

Also, find my writings on The Huffington Post and my work for BPHope (BP Magazine).


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