Category: diet-supplements

L-Methylfolate and Antidepressants: Can This Supplement Boost Your Treatment?

Struggling with antidepressants that just aren’t working? L-methylfolate (MTHF) might be the missing piece. This key nutrient helps your brain produce serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine—exactly what antidepressants target. But some people don’t make enough of it naturally. Could supplementing with MTHF boost your treatment? Find out what the research says, plus my thoughts on it.

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Truehope EMPowerplus Evidence Claims — Bipolar Disorder

Last time, I discussed the evidence Truehope presented for using its EMPowerplus in depression. You can check out that review here. (I also discussed the Truehope EMPowerplus formulations, their disclaimer, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules around supplements.) Today, I am going to delve into the claims Truehope makes about using EMPowerplus micronutrient formula in bipolar disorder and why the claims made by this company are so dangerous.

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Bipolar, Depression and Diet — The Evidence

Can your diet actually impact your depression or bipolar disorder? This is the question. While people claim that certain diets do help with mental illnesses like depression and bipolar disorder, the evidence just hasn’t been there. About the only thing the research can say is that eating an unhealthy, processed diet can lead to nutrient deficiencies and this can make mental illness outcomes worse. That’s it. And that makes perfect sense. But can your diet actually improve your bipolar disorder, depression or other mental health issue? Here’s what we know today.

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Preliminary Evidence for EMPowerplus/Truehope in ADHD Treatment

Those of you who follow me know that I’m not a big fan of TrueHope/EMPowerplus, in spite of having tried EMPowerplus myself. And one of the things I complained about is the lack of double-blind, controlled studies of the supplement. Well, one scientific study has now been published and I figured I should mention it to be fair. This new study indicates preliminary evidence for Truehope/EMPowerplus (a micronutrient formula) in the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

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My Psychiatrist’s Reaction to EMPowerplus/Truehope Treatment

I was really nervous to have to tell my doctor that I had decided to take the Truehope product EMPowerplus. I was pretty sure he was going to either laugh or chastise me out of his office. My anxiety about it was so bad that I didn’t want to mention it at all. Of course, that would have been a poor decision. Allowing anxiety to override your logic is never the right call.

So I told him and surprisingly, he was nonplussed. He just sort of said, “Alright then.”

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EMPowerplus/Truehope Update Day 11

I am now on day 11 of my EMPowerplus experiment and, yes, I have talked to my doctor about it (more on that later). Here’s what I have to report about the EMPowerplus:

  • I started on half a dose – that’s two pills in the morning and two in the evening.
  • Pretty much as soon as I started taking the EMPowerplus I started feeling giddy. Not quite hypomanic but notably elevated and different, although not better.
  • On day five I experienced an official rapid cycle from hypomania one day to serious debilitating depression the next day.

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